Acquasanta Terme

Tito Livio, the latin historian, tells about the healing properties of the sulphureous water of Acquasanta Terme in his works, underlining its uniqueness and effectiveness even compared to the most famous one of Toscana; the area was rich of caves and warm water vapour made it already famous in that period. Nevertheless, tourism industry related to the baths of the town springs in the nineteenth-century. Anyway, Acquasanta offers to the tourists several interesting cultural proposals: not far from the town centre you can admire a great and important monument, the fortress of Castel di Luco, built in the XIV century. The original structure has an elliptical plant and stands in the Via Salaria, next to the medieval village of Paggese. The fortress overtops on a piece of rock, and nowadays, within its solid walls and its defense towers it still looks massive and impregnable.For informatios – Tel. 0736-801162
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